J. Cole Learned How To Make A Twitter Thread To Teach Everyone How To Boycott
“You know what, I don’t think I can spend my money with you no more until you fix this.”

In a weekend that united Stephen Curry and LeBron James, saw famous quarterbacks and billionaire team owners speak out against Trump, J. Cole learned how to make a Twitter thread. And not for nothing, either. After tweeting out 'how do you make a thread," Cole went on a 22 tweet spree, speaking on the root causes of why Kaepernick was protesting in the first place.
He wrote that even though it was brave for the players to take a knee, the real power comes from viewers deciding not to watch. He points out that the NFL didn't take up such theatrical shows of unity when Kaepernick was not signed to any team, despite have the skill and qualifications. He further went on to say that the NFL needed to make amends with Kaepernick, and then gave step by step instructions on how to boycott not only the NFL, but their corporate sponsors as well.
In the thread below, Cole outlines the way to make the NFL pay attention: hit them in their pockets. He likened the boycott of the NFL to the boycotts of racists bus companies in the 60's which Cole pointed out, involved more than changing the TV channel.
The tweets come amidst the announcement that the Steelers will not be attending the national anthem during their Sunday game, and will instead be remaining in the locker room. The coach of the team, Mike Tomlin explained how the decision was made.
"You know, these are very divisive times for our country, and you know for us, as a football team, it's about us remaining solid," said Tomlin. "We're not going to be divided by anything said by anyone."
"We came here to play football," Tomlin added.