
Dreamcrusher’s “PSA” video is literally with the shits

The noise artist’s new album Grunge2 is out now.

November 15, 2018

Dreamcrusher's "PSA" video is a win from the jump since it starts with a looped clip of Katy Perry's "They ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine" dialogue that became a meme on Vine. But it only gets better – and far more brutal – from there. The N.Y.C. noise artist refers to their sound as "nihilist queer revolt music," and director Asha Efia does an effective job visualizing the stakes: terror that's demonic and datamoshed, and rebellion in defiance of a seemingly primordial pool of sewerage.


“Dreamcrusher and I wanted to create a feeling of being overcome, being dragged down by society and the people around you, and how that feeling can transform you as a person," Efia said in an email. "The goal of the video was to depict that feeling visually." Dreamcrusher echoed that in their own statement. "The hands represent the people who assimilate into broader society for whatever reason, and I'm the "other" being pulled into the centipede that is groupthink. The pool of shit represents societal norms and the hands are washing me in them to get me to commit to the idea that being an individual isn't worth the stress. The video ends with me being fully covered/conformed to these ideas and being lost in a void because I no longer know who I am. Submitting to society is submitting to the beast.”

On Wednesday, Dreamcrusher shared their new five-song project Grudge2, which sports a feature from Alice Glass. It's out on Show Me The Body's CORPUS label, streaming below. New York City fans can celebrate Grudge2's release on Thursday evening at the Abrons Center with performances by BEARCAT, Kill Alters, Channel 63, DJ President Evil, and exclusive Dreamcrusher merch.


Thumbnail photo by Asha Efia via Corpus