
Channel 5 is heading on tour

A movie screening, live interviews, and “rappers and magicians” are all in store for the gonzo journalism crew’s run of shows.

August 22, 2022

Andrew Callaghan's beloved internet news team Channel 5 have spent the last couple of years traveling around the world documenting rap culture, political rallies, and war. Basically, anywhere a group of strange enough people gets together to do and say things really out of pocket, you can find Channel 5.


This winter, Channel 5 will embark on its first-ever tour of shows, spanning 36 dates across North America. Attendees will be treated to a screening of Channel 5's first movie as well as performances from rappers and magicians (names to be announced) and live interviews from the Channel 5 team. See all the dates below. A ticket pre-sale begins at the Channel 5 website on Wednesday, August 24 at 12 p.m. PST.

Posted: August 22, 2022