Flying Lotus covered the New Soul edition of our digital supplement F2 last year, and we have been jamming his Los Angeles EP since then whenever we smo… thought about stuff. It's difficult to pull a favorite since it's more a musical voyage (to Stoneyville! oops) than a collection of songs, but one notable bonger banger is "GNG BNG." And it looks like our favorite LA/Long Beach underground rapper Blu feels the same way since he lopped a chunk of it off for this remix. As usual, he's posted the lyrics on his MySpace blog, the best of which are clearly With My Beef Jerky Out In The Open, Smoking Keesh/ So Danky That It Stank Like A Qweef From Ya Antie. Fans of Flying Lotus can catch him and Hyperdub's Kode 9 at the Echoplex in LA this Friday and a week later in NY at the next installment of our One Step Beyond series at the American Museum of Natural History. Bring your vaporizers!
Download: Flying Lotus ft. Blu, "GNG BNG Remix"