Premiere: David Vandervelde, “Checkin Out My Baby” MP3

Photographer Carl Kiilsgaard
June 03, 2010

Do you think David Vandervelde sits in his house or apartment or whatever and is bummed that he can't ever really settle on one sound? Or do you think he's like, No dudes! My sound is my sound—and that sound is glammy and sometimes folky in a way that makes you expect me to wear that purple velvet suit Van Morrison wore in The Last Waltz. Whatever the case, the guy has managed to make music that evokes multiple decades, multiple drugs and all the good parts of being a cocky teenager. "Checkin Out My Baby" is from the upcoming Summer Time Hits EP, which sounds pretty much exactly like you'd expect something with that name to sound.

Download: David Vandervelde, "Checkin Out My Baby"

Premiere: David Vandervelde, “Checkin Out My Baby” MP3