Stream: Endgames, “Ecstacy (Jam City Refix)”

August 16, 2010

If you've ever been to a block party where the DJ is playing nothing but late 70s/early 80s funk and thought to yourself, hey this is incredible especially because there are a bunch of old folks dancing their balls off with handfuls of Cheetos but it might sound better if someone sped it up and jammed the bass, then this song was made for you. Jam City's new EP on Night Slugs includes a few other clever "refixes" of Midwest techno/house cult classics, but this one, of random Glasgow funk band Endgames, is particularly hitting the dog days of summer spot. So simple yet so impossibly not annoying even though it's been playing on a loop since Friday. Buy the vinyl at Boomkat.

Endgames, "Ecstacy (Jam City Refix)"

Endgames, "Ecstacy" [1983]

(via Fact)

Stream: Endgames, “Ecstacy (Jam City Refix)”