Mood Rings’ debut EP is called Sweater Weather Forever, a tile we’re going to blatantly rip off for a future Itemized post. This winter has been heavy on the knits, mostly out of sleepy-eyed getting-dressed laziness, last night’s pinstripe Oxford reborn under the nearest top-of-the-hamper crew neck. That Mood Rings are from Atlanta—and that their album cover features swamp skinny-dipping, and that it was produced by Washed Out’s producer Phil Jones—seems to orient things away from the gray-out title we’re picturing, somewhere toward porch light High Life’s and shoegazing the banks of the Etowah. Sweater Weather flies by, only four short songs, but it sounds so effortless and exact that 13 minutes feels just right. Stream and download it all below.
Download: Mood Rings' Sweater Weather Forever EP