Here’s how you can help musicians and artists who’ve been affected by the Los Angeles wildfires.

Download the FADER FORT by FIAT App for Android and iPhone

March 14, 2011

If you'll be at the FADER FORT by FIAT this week (WITH BON IVER), you're going to want a cold beer, a cute backpack, some yummy snacks and the FADER FORT by FIAT App on your mobile hotspot. We updated the FORT app with the new and mind-meltingly awesome schedule so you can keep track of time and strategy, plus stocked it with free jams from FORT artists. Party People: Don't forget to fire up Instagram and tag your photos with #fortbyfiat. They'll automatically upload to the app so new friends, and the friends you left behind at home (BUMMER) can keep up. So much fun in such a tiny space dudes!

Download: The FADER FORT by FIAT App

Download the FADER FORT by FIAT App for Android and iPhone