Andrew WK’s Party Tips Mixtape

May 09, 2011

Recently, master of all-things-party-related Andrew W.K. set out to collaborate with Franki Chan on a mixtape for the Check Yo Ponytail series. What began simply enough turned into a full-on recording session in the Major Lazer studios, and eventually, Party Tips. Recorded by Franki Chan and Greg Acid Girls, the 70 minute-long mix is a melange of the most powerful party anthems, ranging from headbanger beats to disco tunes that would make even the biggest squares want to take 'ludes. Catch AWK distributing advice this Tuesday's installment of LA's monthly Check Yo Ponytail 2 party. It's at the Echoplex and Wavves and Trash Talk will be there too. ALSO IT IS ANDREW WK'S BIRTHDAY TODAY. He considers this mixtape a "party favor" to all of his friends. So party hard, dudes.

Download: Andrew W.K.'s Party Tips

1. Intro
2.Cerrone - Looking Good (Not Too Shabby)
3. Chic - My Feet Keep Dancing
5. Sweet - David's Song (Funk It Up)
6. Interlude #1
7. David Guetta - Grrrrr
9. Busy P - Rainbow Man
10. PARTY TIP #3
11. Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA
12. The Move - Hello Susie
14. Aleister X - On Your Feet
15. PARTY TIP #4
16. Judas Priest - Some Heads Are Gonna Roll
17. Motorhead - Born To Raise Hell
18. Cherie Lily - Werk (Princess Superstar + Andrew W.K. Remix)
19. Interlude #2
20. Chris Brown - Look At Me Now
21. Lil B - Like A Martian
22. PARTY TIP #5
23. Lee Scratch Perry - Run For Cover
24. Interlude #3
25. Andrew W.K. - Party Hard
26. Outro

Andrew WK’s Party Tips Mixtape