Keeping with the archetype of the brooding Dane, Soren Juul bka as Indians gives us a lush and plodding break-up song that feels sweetly tinged in ’70s psychedelia, but only retrospective in its haunted thoughts about a lost love see what you took away yesterday. Juul avoids all the trappings of the earnest troubadour with his artful arrangement, telling a story that crosses unexpected bridges and winds up little hillocks of layered noise, turning something rotten in the state of Denmark into a hauntingly pretty ditty. Indians will be in NYC July 26th to play a show at Glasslands.
Download: Indians, "I Am Haunted"
June 23 - Loppen - Copenhagen - DK
June 27 - Train - Aarhus (w/Beirut) - DK
July 03 - Roskilde Festival - Roskilde - DK
July 26 - Glasslands - Brooklyn - US
July 28 - The Orpheum (w/Beirut) - Vancouver - Can