Video: Santigold and Wale at vitaminwater uncapped Chicago

July 03, 2012

For the Chicago installment of vitaminwater uncapped 2012, we brought together Sanitgold and Wale, artists who've experimented generously over the course of their careers. While most would assume their respective fan bases had little overlap, fans swooned to both Wale's "Sabotage," and performed interpretive, unhinged dances to Santi's "Creator." Watch the Chicago crowd devour both performances and then check out the vitaminwater YouTube channel to see exclusive footage from all uncapped shows. With uncapped coming to four more cities and two college campuses later this year, there’ll be plenty more can't-miss moments to come. Sign up for our mailing list now for your chance to see it in person!

Video: Santigold and Wale at vitaminwater uncapped Chicago