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Watch iLoveMakonnen and Drake’s “Tuesday” Video

Someone’s grandma appears in this video, and for that we can all be proud.

October 21, 2014

Before the video, which is embedded below, here are two quick excerpts from iLoveMakonnen's recent FADER feature, on newsstands today, which is a Tuesday.

"With permission from the court, Makonnen followed in his mother's footsteps and enrolled in cosmetology school, where he dolled up mannequin heads in heavy makeup and jarring pink hair. When classmates mocked his creations, he told them, 'I'm going to make these dolls famous. I'm going to take them all over the world.'"

Watch the flick, and boy's made good on that. And just a tad more, because I'm over the moon contrasting his past isolation with shots of people—grandmas, even—singing his song from LA to Rio and beyond:

"In 2009, [while on house arrest] Makonnen posted a blog entry with an itinerary for an imaginary 'world tour' of concerts that he wished he could attend."

BOY'S 👏 MADE 👏 GOOD 👏 ON 👏 THAT. The fact that half of this video was clearly filmed backstage before/after a show on Drake vs. Lil Wayne tour is not a negative; it's proof things can turn out okay.

Watch iLoveMakonnen and Drake’s “Tuesday” Video