December 08, 2014
Nicki's vibe lately has been natural and pulled together, hair immaculate. It's almost like you could forget about the golden era of Nicki's hair experimentation: 2010-2012. No worries, we've got you covered. In honor of Minaj turning 32 today we've collected 23 of her wildest hairdos from her golden era. Anyone who thinks they're doing something new: no. Nicki's done it.
1. This mint green bob

2. "The Monica" in fiery orange

3. This icy shock of hairspray

4. The kelly green dip-dye

5. The leopard Bride of Frankenstein look

5. This fearless updo that kind of looks like half a brussel sprout

6. Panel barbie

7. Sea princess waves

8. This perfect jet-black pageboy
9. And once more in blonde
10. Her Good Morning America wake-up do

11. The troll doll bouffant

12. This abstract sunrise
13. These twists on steroids
14. That time she kind of looked like a hot, young version of my grandmother

15. This camoflauge

16. Red tips!!

17. Shirley Temple vibes on fleek

18. These Donatella-worthy extensions

19. This Handmaid's Tale kinda look

20. Once more for the A+ accessories

21. This next-level neon wig

22. This crazy widow's peak

23. The Marilyn