Grimes Says Her Next Project Will Be “Really Slow And Gorgeous”
Claire Boucher opens up about her future plans in new V cover story.

Grimes has been promoting her 2015 album Art Angels for over a year now. Claire Boucher spoke to V in her latest cover story and opened up about how she sees her next album sounding. The artist behind wild songs like "Kill V. Maim" suggested that she sees her next project being much calmer.
“I’m really vibing on making something really slow and gorgeous that just breathes, and has room to breathe," she said. "I feel like my work has always been fast paced, kinetic, and almost just manic and I feel like for me the hardest thing I can do is make something that’s slow and heavy. I’m so ADD in my work; I really want to push myself into something that would be slower and more reflective.”
Meanwhile, Boucher added that she isn't actually sure that she even sees her long-term future lying in something which involves her being front and center. “Honestly, I don’t feel very confident in myself as a singer,” she told V. “As I get older, I’m probably going to try to be more involved in the behind-the-scenes work, and less involved in being the front person.”
“I think where my pride in my work lies is in my production, editing, and directing,” she continued. “I’m not a trained musician; this is something that happened almost randomly. I’d rather be compared to my peers who are producers. I think that’s a world where I’m capable at achieving at a higher level.”
Read the full interview here.