FADER Mix: Demdike Stare
Hear how deep the underground can get with the Manchester duo’s darkly pulsating new mix.

Demdike Stare rose to prominence in recent years with a spacious and profane dark ambient sound, conjured over the course of two album, several EPs, and the "Testpressing" single series, released on Andy Stott's Modern Love label. This year, Sean Canty and Miles Whitaker have returned with a third album Wonderland, a 2016 standout for how the group expands on the menace of an already distinctive sonic palette. What was once supernatural is now cyberpunk, and feels much more immediate as a result. Demdike Stare's FADER Mix tracks the path to Wonderland with the inclusion of previously unreleased tracks, while also giving the listener a rare peek into the scores of underground records they've amassed as part of a mind-melting record collection.
Where are you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
Currently in a very dull and wet South Manchester, sat in the studio surrounded by blinking lights!
Tell us a bit about this mix — what do you imagine people doing while listening to it?
Its a collection of sketches, ideas and inspirations that were an integral part to what became Wonderland mixed with some of the more up-front tracks from our record collections, its a window to what the last few years have sounded like to us. Hopefully people will be wanting to get up and move, as it’s not the normal kind of mix we’re known for, but a little more floor orientated.
What does your Testpressing series mean to you, and how is it separate from a full-length? Do you have any plans to start them again?
They were intended for us to release hardware sessions and edits without much thought or planning. They allowed us to loosen up from the way we approach full length releases, they are the antithesis of our earlier records like Triptych or Elemental. We may well continue the Testpressing series, it’s an open book at the moment.
Describe a record you've purchased recently that's blown your mind.
April by Mark Ernestus Vs. Obadikah. It can only be described as stunning, from someone who’s been a constant inspiration to us throughout the last twenty years. There is no-one like Mark Ernestus who can be so organic with electronic music.
What's your favorite dish to cook and how do you make it?
Amatriciana, it’s exceedingly simple to make with very few ingredients, and like with great dancefloor music, you really just need the best ingredients. It’s the classic dish we eat on our late studio sessions.
And finally, what's the last book you read that had a big impact on you and why?
Sean just finished the book The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday which is roughly based on the philosophy of stoicism, he finished this yesterday so is currently digesting it, stoically, haha. Miles just re-read The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin.
Hardnoise - "Untitled Accapella"
Rabit - "Atacama Skeleton"
Demdike Stare - "El Greco (unreleased)"
Anti-G - "Freak It Out"
Roxy - "Watch Dis"
Seiji - "Yesman"
Timbaland - "Roll Out"
DJ Nervoso - "ah-ah"
DJ Nigga-Fox - "So Nos 2"
Demdike Stare - "MC Doyley (Unreleased)"
Demdike Stare - "Brewing Salt (Unreleased)"
Jiraffe - "Out’A The Box (Edits)"
DJ Rush - "Crazy Hardy Edits"
Jiraffe - "Out’A The Box (Edits)"
Morgan Buckley - "Weather Report"
Shake - "Madmen"
Benga & Skream - "The Judgement"
Anti-Pop Consortium - "Ghostlawns (LFO Rik Waller Mix)"
Siah & Yeshua Dapo ED - "The Visualz"