Anna Burch's debut album, Quit the Curse, released in early February, is nine tracks of pop rock generously glazed with her honeyed vocals. It's "about processing unhealthy and tumultuous relationships" the Detroit singer-songwriter told us via email. Though, on first listen, the album's many difficult themes are rarely given away by the breezy production that shrouds the lyrics like a beautiful, catchy cocoon.
Today, The FADER premieres the video for the last track on the record called "With You Every Day." It grapples with "the frustrations of finding out your new relationship has hit the comfortable routine stage too early," Burch says, and includes wistful lyrics like: "I know it's better than before / So why, why do I need more?" But give it a listen — her gliding vocals and a really catchy hook offer up a more optimistic perspective to an otherwise disappointing situation. Maybe, a relationship moving into a new phase doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
The video, which is just Burch and her friends playing together, further dispels any notions of sadness, and in fact, features smiles all around. "I love performance videos because they break the barriers of a typical concert-going experience," Burch says. "By infiltrating the space of the performers and highlighting the personal dynamics of the group, it draws your attention to the full sound of what the band is playing." Watch above.