Though it might no longer be the case in the same ways as decades past, there are and were a handful of nightclubs around the world that were an instrumental part of shifting music culture as we know it. Red Bull Radio recently launched a podcast that takes a closer look at the most iconic nightclubs in history, aptly titled Nightclubbing, according to OkayPlayer. An audio take on the Nightclubbing essay series on Red Bull Music Academy Daily, hosts Julia Alsop and Todd L. Burn talk to club doormen, DJs and party regulars in each episode of the six-part series. Each episode will take a deep dive into the life of a specific club, including UK-based spots like House of God and Montreal's disco favorite, Lime Light.
With its first episode having premiered on July 26 and new ones airing live on Red Bull Radio each Thursday at 7 PM until August 30th, you can also listen to past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more. Listen to the first episode below.
Thumbnail and all images via Red Bull Radio.