The enigmatic London art-pop group Another Sky’s “Avalanche” video was a scream, with lead singer Catrin Vincent literally bursting at her skin. “Chillers,” with a video directed by the L.A.-based director Najeeb Tarazi, is just as compelling and sharp: “Why worry about the weather or nuclear weapons / When they can eat for free on a black card at Nando’s / Play nice! Suck it up, you could be sitting eating chicken wings with your heroes.”
“What better story for our generation than a young biker working a menial job to support doing what he really loves?” Catrin says of the clip, about a cyclist who has to work on cars for a living. “Our generation is unique; a generation lambasted by the media, labelled as ‘ungrateful millennials’ because we’re dissatisfied working jobs our grandparents would have been grateful for. But we’re a generation that has changed more rapidly than any other, one that takes risks and rejects tradition.
“We need to look at why minimum wage has remained so static while the price of living has risen dramatically. We need to notice and support the worker strikes against big corporations.”
They’ve got a bit tour planned throughout the U.K. this winter, details below and at the band's site.