Summer’s officially here and our Summer Music Issue featuring Best Rapper Alive Lil Wayne and Brazilian funk punks Bonde Do Role is on newsstands now. But since it’s summer and since we would do it anyway, we’re giving you the issue for free on the internet! Inside it's hot pinkish covers are our stories on Wayne and Bonde live and direct from Miami and Sao Paulo, respectively, along with eye-dilating features on the legendary Daft Punk, MIA’s detailed rundown of her new album Kala, an illustrated interpretation of Kanye West’s Graduation, and a feature on Bermudian weedburner Collie Buddz. All that and a free Pinkberry centerfold! Not really, that would ruin the magazine, but there is a lot of sweet, healthy goodness in there.
Pick it up on iTunes, or subscribe via your favorite RSS reader here, or download the individual F47 full-issue PDF here. Read it three times and come back Thursday for the DJ-mixed podcast of summer jams from Issue 47!
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