Freeload: Bangladesh - Passport Music Mixtape hosted by Don Cannon

January 16, 2009

Most of the world now knows Bangladesh as the dude who made a bunch of money off basically the same beat twice with Wayne's "A Milli" and Beyoncé's "Diva," which we can identify with because we ate slices from the same pizza twice for dinner and breakfast. It's called recessionomics, suckers, and hustlers like us know how to do it. Those two beats are on Bangladesh's new mixtape along with a bunch of other new, new-ish and straight up old joints with the man himself rapping on them instead of the superstars who bought them from him. Also onboard are his buddies Muffy and Tom Foolery with obligatory explosions and shouting by our dude Don Cannon.

Download: Bangladesh - Passport Music Mixtape hosted by Don Cannon

Posted: January 16, 2009
Freeload: Bangladesh - Passport Music Mixtape hosted by Don Cannon