Ok, so we're not going to sit here from our little office computer chairs and say that Prince fell off. Did we make Purple Rain? Did we write "Erotic City" and casually cast it's genius aside as a B-side? All we've ever done is make a good-ass music magazine eight times a year, who are we to throw rocks at the Purple One, even though it's been years since he's put out any new jams that were even marginally...jamming (awards show shredfests notwithstanding).
Nonetheless, if we were going to say that dude's best years were behind him, we'd gladly eat those words with the quickness after hearing new single "Black Sweat" - all club drums and falsetto vocals worked up so sexual, releasing in a funky pop chorus worthy of the Revolution days. It is fully and unreservedly A BANGER. All is forgiven. Not that we were mad or anything...