Ayres, Catch and Jubilee are having the first installment of their glowsticky NYC monthly since Studio B shuttered its doors, and while we are sad about that closure, the train ride from our office-crib to their new venue 88 Palace (88 East Broadway) is way easier than trying to hike to Greenpoint's industrial wilds (sorry dudes, if it makes you feel any better we didn't see our cousin for like a year just cause he lived in Queens). If you've never been to Flashing Lights, Friday August 14 is the time to do it: not only will the resident trio drop their regular melange of synth rattlers, twerky house and subbass bombxplosions, they're hosting guest stars Toadally Krossed Out's NYC debut, which is marked on our calendars with little lightning bolts pointing to it, because these dudes go OD hard (heteropause) on every track they've dropped so far (including the exclusive that kicks off Ayres' portion of this mix). AND it's Jess Jubilee's bday AND her single release with Nightshifters mega raver Udachi—so if you have any interest in dance music, fun, nature sounds, epic parties, amphibious rave music (raves on both water and land), sweaty drunk dudes taking their shirts off and/or blowing out your own synapses you should probably hit this up. Cop the Flashing Lights Mix v. 4 and tracklist here for a preview, flyer after the jump.
Premiere: DJ Ayres, Nick Catchdubs and Jubilee, “Flashing Lights Mix v. 4” x NYC Party Info

Photographer MRI Light Painting
August 06, 2009