T-Pain Got an iPhone App, Lil Kim Got Crazy Looking

September 04, 2009

Okay so not surprisingly big news that T-Pain is cashing in on the two things that make tons of money in our recession—Apple products and Auto-Tune—combining them into I Am T-Pain, an iPhone app that runs your voice through some Willy Wonka gerbilizer and makes you sound like laffy taffy. Gizmodo has a good technical rundown of the program, which seems like it may be worth your three dollars. The above video is just T-Pain showing it to a bunch of rappers, singers and Asher Roth, and is mostly unremarkable with the exception of how completely insane Lil Kim looks. This is probably old news, but it just seemed particularly egregious, like some obsessive Jocelyn Wildenstein fan. Kim, you are too cool to become a cat lady, from now on please let Auto-Tune be your most unnatural indulgence.

T-Pain Got an iPhone App, Lil Kim Got Crazy Looking