Nearly two years ago we couldn't stop listening to T2's "Heartbroken" and were convinced bassline was the second coming of 2-step, bound to completely blow up and smash dancefloors for the rest of eternity (or at least slightly longer than it did). Fast forward to late 2009: not ones to be outdone, Londoners took the more addictive parts of the Northerner-created bassline—namely, the R&B vocals that got more ladies out to the clubs—and totally usurped bassline's supposed reign with the ubiquitous and syncopated UK funky house. Which leads us to T2's new single, "Better Off as Friends," which is as vocally catchy as "Heartbroken" but peppered with techno trickles and a pinch of bassline's... bassline. According to the source blog (thanks Hattie) this song got signed to Island, so perhaps he'll be able to inch back into the UK playlists and reclaim some of his lost ground.