Oi Polloi Brings in 1950s Back Packs

October 22, 2009

The phrase Oi Polloi comes from Greek and literally means "the many," and to be honest the mind does boggle at the masses of rotating wares on the UK-based webstore. The shop's physical location is in Manchester, England—they started in 2002 and since going online have exposed dudes worldwide to a stylish Northern English sensibility, one that calls for sturdy old school umbrellas and Paddington Bear toggle coats. Newly up on the site are these 1950s school backpacks by Great River Canoe Co. The yellow pendelton blanket joint has already, we're told, sold out. Still, we're also very partial to wearing a spot of plaid on our backs.

Posted: October 22, 2009
Oi Polloi Brings in 1950s Back Packs