Video Premiere: Oneohtrix Point Never, “Russian Mind”

December 22, 2009

Macintosh computers in the early ’90s used to come with a very basic shooting game. You were a triangular shape, a spaceship or a boat, floating across a formless ground flicking electronic darts at other basic shapes. There were few colors, as though the designers had gotten their entire inspiration from stiff black light posters. This video, created by San Francisco artist Nate Boyce, for New York synthesizer savant Daniel Lopatin aka Oneohtrix Point Never, is the organic successor of these inhuman landscapes, had the trajectory of computers been much more singular than their enormously dominating evolution. OPN itself is the sound of one man's extreme engagement with simple electronic tasks, and Boyce's video of digital worlds growing, melting and morphing is the obvious companion, technologies and then men who love them not simply leading their own lives, but finding competent partners. To view in all of its high definition, necessary glory, click here.

Video Premiere: Oneohtrix Point Never, “Russian Mind”