We never considered the fact that a former military base would make for the perfect summer concert setting and not just another off-water attraction to gawk at on our way to IKEA, but why the hell not? We hopped a ferry to Governors Island and caught Neon Indian just as the sun went down over a synth-covered stage. Videographer Jimi Patterson was there to capture our moment of serenity, right when we realized we were cool with taking three forms of transportation in the name of live music. Our minds just dripped a little watching this video. PLUS! You can stream the newly remastered version of Psychic Chasms, to be released with a deluxe edition bonus disc called Mind Cntrl: Psychic Chasms Possessed, on Spinner right now. It's also purchasable on iTunes, and we're giving away the Anoraak remix of "Psychic Chasms" for free below.