Does Robyn sleep!? This year we've seen her release three Body Talk albums, tour the world and guest-star on Gossip Girl. She clearly wasn't finished with her epic 2010 though, as she showed up at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert and killed it with a twelve-minute performance. Check out the video of Robyn's three-song set - introduced by Anne Hathaway - which starts off with "Jag vet en dejlig rosa," a traditional Swedish song and finishes with Body Talk jams "Dancing On My Own" and "Indestructible." Waaay better than that clip though is this interactive beat machine that's gone up on Robyn's website. Basically, you can play Diplo and create your own real-time music/video remix of "We Dance To The Beat." But, seriously, be wary. We just wasted half our workday on this thing.