Project Pat is celebrating MLK this long-weekend by releasing I Got The Internet Goin Nuts Vol 2. Monday is a national Day of Service. Dr. Martin Luther King once said that "life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?' The question Tatala Licius and Project Pat are leveling towards one another on this Lex Luger track is: "What are you doing for me?" The question we are asking is: who the fuck is Tatala Licius? All we can figure out is that she's from North Memphis, that she won't tell your girlfriend but also that she talks politician-good so, be careful. If there was a sub-genre name for tracks where women and men retort one another in raps, achieving some kind of yin yang balance but never getting anywhere, what would it be? MLK also said that a lot of people, "develop their inner powers; they do their jobs well. But do you know, they try to live as if nobody else lives in the world but themselves?" It takes a tough mind and a tender heart to love, y'all.
Download: Project Pat f. King Ray and Tatala Licious, "Use Yo Head"