A bouquet burns, a narrator says "you're all alone in this world" then a doe-girl walks close appearing both hungry/seductive. She lifts her veil into monarch wings and backs off but, peace, be still. It's just a Shannon Funchess light saber party! Soon enough everyone's seated and posing their Kali goddess arms against a field of (maybe) Dan Flavin-inspired neon verticals. For the price of one trip to the florist, some white-on-whites they likely already owned, all that fluorescent tubing (maybe you can rent it?), Grant Worth's advising and whatever you pay the girl who has her titties out, the Brooklyn duo pulled off a clean clip that keeps pace with the dark gravity pull and eventual goof-spirit catharsis of the song it was made for. Live onstage we can only have one Funchess but here we get three. One deep dives a back bend "Hail Mary" in between two replicas at 4:50.