Both times we’ve posted before about London’s Summer Camp we’ve mentioned their found photo blog. "Kids going to prom and having awkward photos taken by their parents, hanging out with your friends the whole summer and the days seeming endless, and falling in love with a boy or girl who’ll never even realize you exist," that’s how one of them described it, we forget exactly which. But we have a way more favorite Summer Camp web presence now: What’s Your Damage, Heather?, where every post is tagged "sassy," Claire Danes circa-’94 is the Style Icon of the Day and has been forever, and posts cover topics like "Smart Girls" and "Girls in Platform Boots." We’re maybe doing the band a disservice by skipping beat-by-beat sonic play-by-play and harping on their non-musical outlets, but we only have so many opportunities to promote feminist blogs that post interviews with the lead singer of Sleeper. It’s implied their song’s a keeper. It's lovesick insane, with lyrics like I’d wrap my arms around you and snap every bone in your back because I want you and I’d make you love me so much you’d have to ask permission to breathe.