Stream Good Stuff House’s Untitled Album

July 18, 2013

Though this is actually a reissue, Good Stuff House—a trio made up of Scott Tuma, Matt Christensen and Mike Weis—are just as vital sounding as they were back in the ancient times of 2006ish. This untitled album sits comfortably at the intersection between dusty country and ghostly ambient, the guitars sound like they've been buried in sand for years and there's a distinct grit to the raga-esque drones that rise from a knotty hand drum patter. There's a lot to be said for that kind of interplay—a slackening calm that builds right alongside the album's occasionally ominous hum is hard to pull off, but it works well here. It sounds pretty much like the album cover up above looks. The album will be out July 23rd on Holodeck.

Stream: Good Stuff House, Untitled LP

Stream Good Stuff House’s Untitled Album