It Looks like a New Kindness Album Is Finally on the Way

The longhaired pop-exploring artist just posted a video clip that suggests a follow-up to his 2012 debut album is on the way.

August 07, 2014

Adam Bainbridge, the tall, longhaired, pop-exploring artist better known as Kindness, just tweeted the above clip with the message, "K I N D N E S S A L B U M 2". For a mere 26 second long, it packs in a lot: Bainbridge dancing on top of a roof with the London skyline behind him, the words KINDNESS and OTHERNESS flashed up on screen, and a percussion-heavy groove that gets the juices flowing as quickly as it fades away. He'd previously hinted that a follow-up to his 2012 debut LP, World, You Need a Change of Mind, was in the works and that he'd been working with some exciting folk (Kelela, Robyn, Jimmy Douglass). All of which makes this clip confirming that something new is finally incoming all the more exciting. Kindness, we're ready.

It Looks like a New Kindness Album Is Finally on the Way