How To Make Popsicles That Will Get You Drunk
Three recipes from Arley Marks, beverage director at Dimes in New York City.

All recipes yield approximately 12 pops
Desert Flower Colada
1/2 ripe pineapple, with core removed
1 can coconut milk
6 large mint leaves
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 oz. lime juice
1 oz. agave syrup
4 oz. white rum
1 cup ice
Combine in blender until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for 1-2 hours.
Starlight Crush
3 peeled and cored apples, cut into chunks
8 oz. dry white wine
1 oz. lemon juice
1 oz. honey
1 cup ice
1 tablespoon marjoram
Finely chop marjoram. Combine rest of ingredients in blender. Stir in marjoram for color and texture. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
Bitter Red Bird
2 cups frozen red grapes
1 cup ice
1.5 oz. Aperol
1 oz. Plymouth gin
Juice of one grapefruit
.5 oz. simple syrup
Combine 1 cup grapes and rest of ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Stir second cup of whole grapes into blended mixture. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.