
Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker Doesn’t Mind If You Listen To His Music For Free

“Not to be kind of overly spiritual about it, but it’s not the kind of thing that’s worth complaining about.”

September 20, 2015

Tame Impala frontman Kevin Parker dropped by BBC Radio 6 on Sunday morning to chat with Mary Anne Hobbs about the issue of “free music,” through illegal downloading or un-paid streaming. “For me, it just shows that it's not really about how much you pay for it or even whether or not it's physical—it can still have the same effect on you," Parker said. "I'm not really sure what that says about artists making money in the future. Like, obviously artists need to make money and stuff like that, but if you do something good or if you make good art or make good stuff, the wealth will find you in some way. Not to be kind of overly spiritual about it, but it's not the kind of thing that's worth complaining about."


Parker’s zen attitude over the whole thing is reminiscent of his outlook on the missing Tame Impala royalties from this past summer. You can listen to the full interview with Parker here beginning at the 2:07:30 mark.

Posted: September 20, 2015