
Here’s Everything You Missed From The Last Democratic Debate Of The Year

Hillary Clinton: “May the force be with you.”

December 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton capped off Saturday night's democratic debate in New Hampshire by invoking the phrase of the weekend: "may the force be with you." It was a light moment that capped off a mostly civil night between the three candidates running for the democratic presidential nomination—Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O'Malley.


The night started off with Sanders apologizing for his campaign staffer's breach of Clinton voter data. But most of the night was centered around national security, with each of the candidates laying out loose plans of how they planned to combat ISIS, one key disagreement between Clinton and Sanders being when and how they planned to deal with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Clinton said at one point that Donald Trump is "becoming ISIS's best recruiter" and that the republican frontrunner "has a great capacity to use bluster and bigotry to inflame people."

When asked about her husband's role in her theoretical White House, Clinton said, "I am probably still going to pick the flowers and the China for state dinners and stuff like that."


Sanders tackled a very broadly phrased question from the moderators about race relations in America, saying, "police officers should not be shooting unarmed Americans—particularly African-Americans.” He added shortly after, "We need to pledge to invest in jobs and education and not more jails and incarceration."

Watch the Clinton vine above. The next democratic debate will be Sunday, January 17, 2016 in South Carolina.

Posted: December 20, 2015