The sound of Odonis Odonis has shifted recently. There has always been a larvae of industrial influence in the Toronto group's sound, even when they were billed as post-punk. We see that little worm out of its cocoon on “Nervous,” the latest song from their upcoming record Post Plague. Despite the bursts of stripped metal static and anguished wails that punctuate brooding arpeggios, there's an air of restraint here. Like they're teasing the full power of their dancey, angry sound just before the real battle.
Like their recent tourmates Greys, Odonis Odonis have serious misgivings about how we create ourselves online, not as a search for inner truth, but external acceptance. Over email they told us of their vision of the future, and mentioned their plan to explore our new reality in a series of “virtual reality videos.”
Since the beginning of human existence, mankind has obsessed with creating perfection, but the flesh will always remain flawed. We now live in an era where we can selectively post on social media and create an idealized version of ourselves to present to the world. What if you could take that one step further? What if you could be the perfect version of yourself? Take a full body image scan of yourself at your favorite age and transplant all your favorite memories into a perfect Avatar of one's self. Sounds crazy but all of this is around the corner and things are about to speed up.
Stream “Nervous” below, and be sure to upload a selfie of yourself listening to “Nervous” at the beach with all your friends using the hashtag #OdonisOdonisNervousFromNewAlbumPostPlagueOutJune17Everywhere.
Odonis Odonis tour dates
07/08/16-San Diego, CA @ TBA
07/09/16 San Francisco, CA @ TBA
07/10/16 Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo
07/16/16 Haarlem, NL @ Kliko Festival
07/1627/16 New York, NY @ Home Sweet Home (Nothing Changes)
Post Plague is out June 17 on felte in the US and worldwide, Telephone Explosion in Canada, and on cassette in The Netherlands via Geertruida.