Although he released 39 studio albums during his life, Prince notoriously guarded much of his material. In the wake of his death on April 21, the existence of a secret vault in his Paisley Park home and studio in Chanhassen, Minnesota was disclosed.
According to ABC News, the vault containing a vast amount of unreleased Prince material was opened this morning by Bremer Trust, a company given temporary authority over Prince's estate. Susan Rogers, Prince's former recording engineer, told ABC that the vault is a giant room with shelves full of music. The door to the room is apparently locked with a large spinning wheel.
Speaking about his unreleased music onThe View in 2012, Prince said, "One day, someone will release them. I don't know that I'll get to release them." Prince did not leave behind a will, and his estate will be divided between his sister and his five half-siblings, according to Minnesota state law.