For the past week, many of us have been struggling to figure out what we can do — how to mourn, how to help, and how to fight back against hatred. While grappling with the same questions, Cait Oppermann, who regularly takes photos for The FADER's magazine and website, came up with a new project called All Are Welcome.
All Are Welcome is a not-for-profit project that seeks to distribute posters that express solidarity with marginalized and oppressed groups across the country, particularly in red states. According to the project's website, the minimal, carefully designed posters are a "simple way to let members of the community know that everyone is welcome inside."
Designed by Cait's friends and collaborators James John-Michael Dunphy Jr. and Jing Jian, the posters are meant for businesses, shops, libraries, classrooms, and any other public and semi-public places run by people who want to take a stand against racism, homophobia, islamophobia, and misogyny. All Are Welcome has downloadable files for home-printing, and they'll also be printing a batch to mail to interested parties. Head to their website to find out more about acquiring a poster, volunteering, or donating to the project.