June is the official month of Pride, and events celebrating the push for LGBTQ rights and the celebration of people who are LGBTQ are happening all over the world. The parade will be the 21st annual parade held in Sao Paulo.
According to ABC News, organizers of the event are expecting over 3 million attendees. Brazil legalized same sex marriage in 2013, but expanded rights has been met with a rising level of violent crime against the LGBTQ communities in Brazil. Brazil broke the Guinness World Record for the largest pride parade in 2009 with 4 million attendees.
Photos and videos of the parade are below.
Hundreds of thousands gather for Brazil gay parade, world's biggest https://t.co/6DfJuy4D6i pic.twitter.com/BwDNiniCXO
— CTV News (@CTVNews) June 18, 2017
LOVE ALWAYS WINS 🏳️🌈 PROUD!!! #paradasp #parada21 #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/qYM6pAZ89m
— julia. (@fifthfromlylas) June 18, 2017
"Independentemente de nossas crenças,nenhuma religião é Lei!"Oprimir pessoas usando dogmas de qualquer religião é maldade.🌈Hoje é só Amor🌈 pic.twitter.com/TvEcljLtXc
— Daniela Mercury (@danielamercury) June 18, 2017
Avenida Paulista já tem concentração para a Parada Gay. https://t.co/fVy9asHSQS pic.twitter.com/GLlAOKPtgz
— O Globo Brasil (@OGloboPolitica) June 18, 2017
A cantora @danielamercury canta "O canto da cidade", seu maior sucesso, na Parada LGBT de SP pic.twitter.com/cybW0QfLGk
— Luís Lima (@luisslima) June 18, 2017
Vem com a gente no trio #DivinasDivas da #ParadaSP! 🌈 pic.twitter.com/X38bdqnU7N
— Leandra Leal (@leandraleal) June 18, 2017