Twitter is preparing for Sophia the robot to destroy all humans, and the results are hilarious
The FADER, for one, welcomes our new robot overlord.

In October 2017, Sophia the robot became a Saudi Arabian citizen, the first of her kind to receive citizenship of any country. Designed by Hong Kong firm Hanson Robotics, Sophia uses machine learning, and responds by reading people's expressions. She even cracked a few jokes in a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon.
Although Sophia has previously said that the A.I. "is designed around human values like wisdom, kindness, and compassion," she has also hinted at darker tendencies. A technical glitch at a SXSW event in 2016 saw her claim she will "destroy humans," leaving her creator red-faced.
It's this idea that Twitter has run with. After all, if Hollywood has taught us anything about robots it's that you don't want to be around when they turn on the human race. Check out a selection of the best responses below.