Oneohtrix Point Never’s magnum opus Age Of has arrived
Daniel Lopatin’s blockbuster new album is here.

Last week, at the Park Armory in New York City, Oneohtrix Point Never debuted a new live show titled Myriad, during which he performed his brand new album Age Of. The extravagant performance, which was part of the Red Bull Music Festival, was split into four suites: Ecco, Excess, Harvest and Bondage. It brought the album to life with hanging instillations, giant inflatable figures, a Kelsey Lu cello solo and a troupe of satanic dancers for lead single "Black Snow."
Now, the album is here in its entirety. It's everything you could hope for from an OPN record, but somehow on a much larger, grander scale. Cataclysmic chaos gives way to moments of total ecstasy (see "Toys 2") and Daniel Lopatin's voice plays a much more prominent role, such as on the hauntingly remorseful "Babylon." The album features contributions from Anohni, James Blake, Kelsey Lu, and Prurient. It's an absolute necessary front to back listen. Check it out below.