Have Billie Eilish and Khalid seen this video of a horse-woman galloping to “lovely?”

Well, have they?

May 17, 2019

When I first saw the video above, a warm and comforting sensation flooded through me. This wasn't the bass-boosted "deep fried" clips, SpongeBob memes, or indecipherable Minecraft jokes that regularly glide across my TL. This was pure. I was watching a classic "funny video." The kind you might see on EbaumsWorld, or clipped into a GIF and looped on YTMND (RIP). I have thoroughly dated myself with those references, but watch it above and see for yourself.


The person who is running, trotting, and jumping like a horse as naturally as I walk on two feet is a woman from Norway named Ayla Kirstine. Deadspin did some digging and found her identity as well as her Instagram page — in her most recent post, she writes "I'm so sensitive that I'm scared of absolutely everything!" So, be nice!

Kirstine's hypnotizing physical feats are genuinely impressive, and as a result, a bit ridiculous. But if you've seen a little kid imitate a four-legged animal, a twinge of nostalgia might come with watching. That's heightened by the soundtrack. Billie Eilish and Khalid's melodramatic pop hit "lovely" makes it seem like Kristine is laying everything on the line by literally horsing around. It's the kind of song that's perfect for high school dance recitals, and as it turns out, horse girl clips that go viral.


For reasons unclear to me, I need to know if Billie Eilish and Khalid have seen this. I've DM'd Khalid and emailed Billie Eilish's publicist and will report back if I hear anything.

Have Billie Eilish and Khalid seen this video of a horse-woman galloping to “lovely?”
Have Billie Eilish and Khalid seen this video of a horse-woman galloping to “lovely?”