
Lana Del Rey is actually a Cancer, so do with that what you will

Gemini season pulls another fast one.

June 07, 2019

Lana Del Rey is still keeping coy as to when her new album Norman Fucking Rockwell will be out in the world, but at the very least she's finally clarifying when she arrived. On Thursday afternoon, Lana responded to astrologer Randon Rosenbaum on Twitter and dropped a major bombshell: she was born at 4:47pm.


This is actually a huge deal, because Lana was born on June 21, aka, the cusp of Gemini and Cancer season. For years it was assumed that Lana was a Gemini, because she had previously stated her birth time as 2:46AM. But here's the thing, Lana's chart was always a bit baffling.

See, Geminis are characterized as being expressive and clever, but plagued by inconsistency — it's the twin sign of the zodiac, the one most punctuated by multitudes. Some notable Geminis include Kanye West, Stevie Nicks, Lauryn Hill, Macklemore, and Lana's old pal Azealia Banks. But Lana Del Rey is nothing if not extremely consistent. Her catalog isn't packed with any surprises, and that's exactly why we love her: everything she puts out is just so Lana.

The fact that she's actually a Cancer — the crab, decidedly the most sensitive and emotional sign of the zodiac — makes perfect sense. I mean, think about it. This is the same artist who named two songs "Sad Girl" and "Pretty When You Cry," and put them back to back on an album called Ultraviolence. This is the same artist who sung "I'm crying while I'm cumming" on a song called "In My Feelings." She fucking sings about the tropic of Cancer on "Tomorrow Never Came."

In case you were wondering, her new *confirmed* birth time also means that Lana has a Leo moon (she's emotionally confident) and a Scorpio rising (Soccer Mommy can explain this one). I guess what I'm trying to say by all of this is, astrology is real.