Lorde has given fans an update on the progress of her next album while celebrating the two year anniversary of 2017's Melodrama. The pop star posted a message on Instagram Stories on Sunday (June 16) in which she reflected on the album that gifted the world "Green Light" while confirming that new music is "in the oven."
In her Instagram story, Lorde reflected on her mindset making Melodrama as well as filling people in on what she's been up to since she stopped touring the record. “I was such a baby making that work, lots of emotions and learning so much all the time," she wrote. "Feels like I’ve grown a lot since then, i’ve been to antarctica, i have a dog now and a cat and i can bake break and cook dinner and keep plants alive etc.”
Looking back on June 16 two years ago, the Melodrama release date, Lorde added: “The day it came out i did a jigsaw puzzle all day in my hotel room in NY. I felt so emptied, i didn’t really know yet that you make a record and get filled up, and then releasing it empties you.. and slowly fills you up again.” To close she wrote, “Third one in the oven.”
Lorde's status update suggests she has made significant progress since her last missive. In November 2018 she told subscribers to her newsletter that she hadn't started writing her third album, though it would be inspired by playing the piano at home with friends.