M.I.A. is turning to crowdfunding as she explores new avenues of revenue and artistic expression. As of January 31, fans can subscribe to her Patreon for between $5-10 a month.
In an introductory post on the site, M.I.A. said she plans to release a new album through traditional means in 2020, but that Patreon will be for additional content. The Patreon page currently features a short film and studio footage, including a session with Skrillex.
Inspired by fan reaction to her 2018 documentary MATANGI / MAYA / M.I.A. and demand for more behind the scenes access, the M.I.A. Patreon features two subscription models. Arular ($5 a month) gets you short films, clips and video diaries, unreleased documentary footage, exclusive art, livestream recordings, and access to the FlyPirates community. Kala ($10 a month) is all of that plus a monthly Q&A session and exlusive content.
Watch a short trailer and read M.I.A's introductory note below.
I’m doing a Patreon, because I make so much stuff and record so many things that aren’t music and don’t fit on other platforms. I'm still making music, putting out the 6th album which is nearly finished, on a normal label, same as the others.
but on here - I don't want to limit my creative energy output, and keep it open.
It started because of the documentary, "MATANGI / MAYA / M.I.A" - which was just a tiny, teeny bit of what's on my harddrives, and when we put that out, everyone kept asking to see the whole tapes, more about this bit or that bit and I was trying to find a good place for it.
I don't even know where this journey is going to take everyone... I know I'm going to travel a lot this year, and take a camera with me - so when I'm in these places that I end up, learning all this new stuff, I want to share it, and I'm just going to post whatever I'm doing, what I'm learning, who I'm meeting and what connections come my way.
I'm making films, music, making art and I'll be posting that process on here.
But I want to make it fun and random, it might be ASMR Sri Lankan cooking, or I might go and stay in a silent Ashram in India for a month and just not speak, or I want to interview interesting people, do some reporting, make clothes, make paintings, just see where it takes me.
And I want to connect with people. I'll be livestreaming and sharing and learning from people on here, hopefully.
Maybe I can help some people on here? You can ask me for help with your music or art portfolio, or relationships advice, or show me your work and I can try to help you - and I can ask you questions, can I get some free therapy? Maybe you guys get to be my manager for a month and I follow your advice?
Anyway, I like the idea of Patreon because it's really simple and it's about bringing things back to artists making art.
If we can get enough Patrons happening I would love to take that help and money and do a project somewhere in the world that we can post updates from and follow progress and use collective knowledge and skills to really do something good.