If you were unable to join friends or loved ones before social lock down happened in your city, the most social interaction you might be getting is from masked strangers at the grocery store and the drunk happy hours on Zoom before noon. Newly signed to Def Jam and Star Trak, Blenda has been going through something similar to the latter. As a result, she's hosting her own online party with herself for her single "Options." She explained in an email: "I've spent the last month on Zoom and Skype hanging with friends and I'm very privileged to be able to stay in quarantine and be able to work from home. Not everyone has that option. Therefore I wanted to use my privilege to produce something positive for people to enjoy during these hard times."
The 808-heavy song is fun turn up before you head out in for the night, to the living room. It's an excuse to dress up without a single club or bar to hit. For Blenda, it's a few minutes of your day to take your mind off the negative as well. She continued in the email: "It's terrible that people lose loved ones and our economy is falling apart and you know this crisis really puts our societies on trial although my faith in God helps me to stay focused and positive." She also closes out the video with a verse from the bible, Psalm 56:3: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
Photo: Joel Nkimya