
Lance Skiiiwalker is grounded in peace in his “In The World” video

Nick Hakim joins the TDE singer and producer.

April 28, 2020

Following the week long stretch of new music from TDE, Lance Skiiiwalker releases a song of his own featuring Nick Hakim. "In The World" is a steady-moving motivational song that embodies the spirit of a never-sleeping industrial city as it blows smoke into the sky at dusk. The shuffling drums and subdued organs complement Skiiiwalker singing, "You've got so much to do." The video contrasts with a montage of life busily moving from mother nature to metropolitan areas. In an email, Skiiiwalker provided some advice with the song: "Sometimes it’s hard to stay sane and focused in a world that’s so unbalanced between evil and good. Stay introverted!"


Lance Skiiiwalker has been busy curating his NI Radio on Instagram which is updated with new music and visualizations to fill your time while you're "working from home."

Photo: Brittany Howard