Here’s a terrifying cover of the Sopranos theme courtesy of Guts Club
“Literally two chords”
Even if you haven't spent this extended stretch of self-isolation rewatching prestige TV, you'll still know Alabama 3's "Woke Up This Morning." The Sopranos theme is one of the most immediately recognizable songs of the past three decades, embedded so deep in pop culture that even those who've never watched an HBO show would know it from the first few bars, on the strength of parodies alone.
But if you listen to "Song For Carm," a dissonant, droning cover of the song by New Orleans oddballs Guts Club, it might take a little longer to register. "'Woke Up This Morning' is the probably the second most insufferable TV show theme song (with The L Word theme song coming in at No. 1)," Guts Club's Lindsey Baker wrote of the song in an email to The FADER. "The original song credits FIVE MEN with the songwriting. Unbelievable, because it's literally two chords and lyrics that rhyme 'gun' with 'one.' That's nice though because I think even when you skip intro they still get a cut. It's like when you win the lottery with your work friends."
Listen to Guts Club's "Woke Up This Morning" below.
Thumbnail photo c/o Guts Club.