Fiona Apple is the narrator of a new animated informational video titled We Have Rights: When Documenting ICE Arrests. The film, created by We Have Rights, Brooklyn Defender Services, and WITNESS, is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively document the abuses carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Watch below via Stereogum in English and Spanish (the Spanish version is narrated by activist Erika Andiola).
The short film was released alongside an interview with Apple in Vulture. Apple spoke about the urgency she felt about the issue which was incited by the "horrible shit" that ICE agents have done: “I can’t believe this is happening," she said. "There’s so many awful things going on in this country. You read about places like Belarus and they’re like, ‘They teargassed the crowd and arrested people and disappeared people.’ But that’s the same shit that’s happening here now. It’s going to hell.”
Apple also discussed the election, voicing her concerns about the ongoing dismantling of the postal service, and standing up for Kanye West, who she believes is being used by Republicans attempting to get him on the presidential ballot in several states. “I’m really scared about this mail thing. That’s fucking nuts to me. Taking mailboxes?! I’m scared about that. I’m scared and appalled at the Republican lawyer trying to help out Kanye. That’s low. I really hate them for how they’re treating him, you know? And how they’re taking advantage of him to try and stay in power. They’re not helping him.”
Fiona Apple's latest album Fetch The Bolt Cutters was released in April.